

25 September 2010

Howdy people!
Well, we didn´t make the 32 km today, but did make it crawling into a town after 25 km. Still pretty OK I would think. Our feet were just too tired (and in my case the tendons at the back of my leg as well) to drag ourselves to Santa Domingo, the "official" stop. Also, last night speedy gonzales C, that had pushed on 3 hours ahead of us, texted us that she missed us and wanted to meet up again the next day. Ahhwww....but ofcourse it was a bit foolish of her to abandon her "motherflock"; no wonder she felt like a lost wee sheep. Because what a cool flock we are! With M as our shepherd, always urging us along when breaks take too long, waving ´Bert´, her wooden walking stick in the air to make us move ours asses. Besides guiding us on the road, M also uses ´Bert´ for other purposes, such as poking into grossly loud snorers haha. Unfortunately I was asleep when the poking took place, but there was indeed a guy that was snoring awfully loud right next to us. So M actually did poke him in the leg from her bed, and she said it worked. Haha, good, because really, these FUCKING SNORERS! I am more than agitated after 8 nights of fucking snot concerts. Some people just snore so incredibly loud and so incredibly gross, like a monster frog being drowning in porridge. Man, it really starts to piss you off after a while. And it´s usually old, grey men, although there is also this Spanish couple with a very ugly woman that snores just as she looks. Actually she looks a bit like a man, so I guess the theory of men being pigs still is valid. Ahhh, i love ranting on the internet. Haha, actually last night, when we were surrounded by ()·$!!·%/$%) again, M told me in the morning that during the night she threw her footcream at one of the snoring bastard´s legs (Bert wasn´t allowed in the room. Obviously they had had accidents before), you know, just to give him a hint like ´dude, you do realize you are the only one getting any sleep...´, and then she said the bastard woke up and immediately threw the cream violently right back at her ... Bastard! Ieh, snoring creep! Go home and keep that cat of yours awake at night (assuming such a guy would never be able to marry someone).
So far I have not thrown any objects at snorers, but try to get by with sleeping with my Ipod earplugs in, they work the best.
Speaking of my Ipod, i am so glad I brought it; it really helps to distract me from having sore, sore feet while walking. I am listening amongst other things to dear Aretha Franklin, Laura pausini (I know, I know), and some hard core electro shit to push me when the road goes upwards.

OK, although the town were are in now is an absolutely soulless shithole and the auberge an pile of dirt, there are actually more people in the bar than the previous night so I have to wrap it up soon. The keyboard is by the way also the grossest I have ever seen; covered in a layer of dust and years old grease. I did just order a glass of whiskey (spanish measures, so something like half a litre) and tomorrow we are going to take it a bit easy I guess, because 30 KM is just not fun, I think we´ll stick to an easy 15-20 tomorrow.

Righto, kisses and stuff.

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